Government Agencies
Learn about what services are offered through state and federal agencies.

Arizona Division of Developmental Disabilities
1789 W Jefferson Ave, S/C 791A
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP)
3839 N Third St, Ste 304
Phoenix, AZ 85012
602-532-9960 | 888-439-5609 (toll free in AZ)
Arizona Department of Health Services
Public Information & Political Representatives
Content, businesses, professionals, information, and outbound links on this page are NOT an endorsement from Arizona Autism, these items are identified here among others as an evolving list of available resources that we believe our members and their families will return to reference frequently. The links on our pages update constantly both internally and externally, so if something doesn't appear to be working or if you find faults in our content, please let us know. If you believe you have a link that you think should be on this page, please let us know by filling out the form on the Contact Us page.